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According to research conducted by the Centre of Healthy Aging and Wellness at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2015, 1 out of 10 Malaysian elderly citizens is “healthily ageing”. Healthily ageing means they experience little to no significant health concerns such as prevalent diabetes, Alzheimer’s, stroke and more. Dr Suzana, the head of the Centre, said that 3 or 4 out of 10 older adults experience a loss of muscle mass, ageing, and cognitively suffering. 

(Source: Centre of Healthy Aging and Wellness)

Based on the chart above, it is indicated that Malaysia is ageing at a higher rate of disability compared to Australia, with cognitive disabilities being the primary cause, then sarcopenia and sight-hearing conditions. 

Importance of staying healthy when ageing

It was found that physical inactivity among the elderly was 88% in one of the researches, with the majority being older than 80 years old. Of course, other factors such as their gender, household income and residency play into their physical inactivity. 
It is essential to stay healthy and active while adults are entering their middle age. While intervention during the median period is good, those that are in their elderly years should also maintain active and healthy. 
Being physically active has many benefits when ageing for seniors. Below are some of the benefits:
  • Help you to sleep better
  • Stimulate appetite
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cognitive diseases
  • Improves fitness, strength, balance and flexibility
  • Enhance quality of life and wellbeing 
Researchers realise that many Malaysian senior and middle-aged adults are not fully aware of the adverse effects of ageing, and most do not plan early for their old age.

Exercises to do at home

Want to stay active but do not want to do any exercises that need stamina and effort? Here are a few types of exercises which are beneficial and accessible not only for the elderly, but for all age groups to do: 

(Source: Tai Chi For Health)

  1. Arm Swing Exercises (Qi Gong) 
a.            Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with arms held horizontally to your shoulders facing the front
b.            Swing your arms back and forth five times
c.             On the 5th swing, slightly bend/squat on your knee
d.            Continue with these swings for 5 minutes each day 
**Remember to breathe when you are doing the swings and not to do them too fast or too slow 
  • Helps with circulation in the body, mainly the lymphatics
  • Circulation helps to fight against illnesses
  • Helps with breathing
  • Helps with neck and shoulder aches 
(Source: World of Feng Shui)

(Source: World of Feng Shui)

2.            Clapping Exercises 
a.            Sit or stand with arms held horizontally to your shoulders facing the front
b.            Have palms wide open, clap for 5 minutes with your arms straight
a.            Clap hands ten times, then “tap”/clap your right and left elbows ten times, back of your knees ten times and abdomen ten times
b.            Do ten repetitions of the above 
**It is normal to feel warm and slight pain from the claps
  • Stomach issues, neck pain, lower pain, kidney and lung problems etc. can be relieved with the help of clapping; according to Psychological and Behavioral Science International Journal
  • Improve blood circulation, and be able to manage issues such as hypertension or hypotension
3.  Tai Chi Moves
a.  Energy to the sky


(Source: Healthline)

i.Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with arms held
horizontally to your shoulders, facing the front
horizontally to your shoulders, facing the front
ii.Bring hands to your shoulders, with palms facing down, and arms
straight towards the sides 
iii.Bring hands and arms up, then slowly swing down while
Do this in 5 repetitions
b.    Penetrating heaven and earth

(Source: Healthline)

i.Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
ii.Bring hands to your shoulders, with palms facing up, and arms straight towards the sides 
iii.Bring your left arm up and right arm down as if pushing the sky and earth simultaneously
iv.Repeat this with right arm up and left arm down, and repeat the entirety of it at least eight times 
  • Improves balance, stability and flexibility
  • Reduce the pain of leg and back problems