1. Dr. Riley Moynes on The 4 phases of retirement

keywords: retirement, health, aging, community, English, life, psychology, purpose, relationships, TEDx talks, retirement

The 4 phases of retirement:

-1- The Vacation Phase: For many retirees, retirement is a time of freedom and relaxation. Traveling the world, taking up hobbies, and enjoying life are possible. Phase one usually lasts for one year. The Continuing Phase: For some individuals, this phase lasts for six months or more. Phase three often does not last as long as the first two phases, but can sometimes last for 20 years or more.

-2- The Sense of loss and lost Phase: Dr. Moynes discusses the challenges that many retirees face in transitioning to their new life and some ways to overcome them. The challenges include the loss of the big five (routine, a sense of identity, relationships, purpose, and power). The golden-ager also needs to face three D’s (divorce, depression, and decline in both physical and mental)

-3- The Trial and Error Phase: This is the phase where we ask ourselves how can we live a meaningful life again through trial and error. Re-evaluating our life goals: What do we want out of this experience? We might ask ourselves what it mean to be happy, or what it means to feel fulfilled. We might go back to phase two. But for those who break through, this will lead us to phase four.

-4- The Reinvent and Rewire Phase: We might set new goals during this phase. Goals such as “Be a good partner” or “Be an effective grandparent” are focused on the area of identity. Once goals have been established, it is often a time of learning new skills and filling life with new adventures. Chances are the goals involved assisting others and finding new ways to contribute to their community during retirement years.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMHMOQ_054U

2. Amy Cuddy on Body Language and Presence

keywords: ai talk, ted talk, body language

Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist, who studies how nonverbal behavior communicates emotion and meaning. In her talk, she talks about how body language and presence can be used to make a difference in one’s life.

In her talk, Amy Cuddy goes into the power of body language and presence. She talks about how they are two of the most important factors in communication and how they can be used to make a difference in one’s life. She also talks about what it takes to create an authentic presence. This is done by being mindful of your posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and tone of voice.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks-_Mh1QhMc

3. Brené Brown on The Power of Vulnerability

keywords: ted talk, social psychology

Brené Brown is a social psychologist and researcher who studies human connections. She has made the powerful point that vulnerability is necessary to live with courage and empathy.

In her most popular TED talk, she discusses how fear of vulnerability can prevent us from living full, meaningful lives.

In this video, Brené Brown discusses how we can find our voice to be more courageous in life by being vulnerable enough to show up and be seen.

We are afraid of what people might think about us or what might happen if we show who we really are. But as Brené Brown powerfully points out in this video, “Vulnerability is not weakness.” In fact, it’s the opposite: Vulnerability takes courage and strength.

Source: https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability?language=en&subtitle=en

4. Tony Robbins On Self-image vs. Reality

keywords: self-image vs reality

Self-image is the mental picture of oneself. It is the way we see ourselves in our minds and often it’s different from reality. This can have a negative impact on people who are trying to achieve their goals or improve their lives. Tony Robbins, a motivational speaker, and self-help author have spent his life helping people overcome obstacles in order to live more fulfilling lives. He believes that we all need to be aware of our self-image and how it can affect us. He says that “self-image is the most powerful tool you have.” Robbins has also said, “The quality of your life will never exceed the quality of your thoughts,” which means that if you want to live a better life, you need to change your thoughts about yourself and what you can accomplish. Tony Robbins has spent his life helping people overcome obstacles in order to live more fulfilling lives. He believes that we all need to be aware of our self-image and how it can affect us.

5. Barbara Oakley on Learning Anything New “The Mind Hackers” TEDTalk

keywords: how to learn anything new

Barbara Oakley is a professor at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. She has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and also teaches classes on learning and memory. In her TEDTalk, she discusses how to learn anything new. Oakley says that the first thing one must do is to find out what their learning strengths are. One must then identify the weaknesses and work on them. She also says that one should use the “spaced repetition” technique for memorization – repeating information until it’s learned well enough to be recalled when needed. She also mentions that one should have a good understanding of how memory works – specifically, how it moves from short-term to long-term storage over time. Barbara Oakley’s main point is that it is important to know one’s learning strengths and how to improve on those weak areas. Her advice on how to memorize information includes the use of spaced repetition which she claims has been shown in many cases to be effective.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O96fE1E-rf8